rem uncomment the next line if you use BootManage BootProm
rem device=a:\bputil.sys -f
device=a:\HIMEM.SYS /testmem: off /V(其中testmem: off这里没有空格,为不形成BBS图标错误,特注明)
rem uncomment the next line if you use BootManage BootProm
rem device=a:\bputil.sys -x
rem It may be necessary to uncomment the emm386.exe line and/or
rem to exclude some memory areas with x=MMMM-MMMM option
rem if the network client can’t be loaded or if there is not enough
rem conventional memory to launch Windows
rem device=a:\EMM386.EXE noems /y=C:\WINDOWS\emm386.exe /v
shell=a:\command.com a:\ /p
[已被 game381 编辑过,在 2001-03-24 00:17]