Name: RTSPXE.212
Version: V2.12
SDK Version: V3.0 (build 082)
Released By: Season Chen
Release Date: 2001.08.20
Changed File: ALL
Reason: 1.Upgrade PXE rom code from PXE v2.1 (build 082).
2.Split the stub.r to romconf.r to reach the goal
of only 4K code will be left at HIMEM.
3.Update code to not change the monitor display mode.
4.Modify code to be able to been compiled to merged image
and the split image.
5.Reverse the Class Code of PCI and PNP Expansion structure
from 00 00 02 to 02 00 00. And change the Indicator byte
of the PNP Expansion header from 14h to E4h.
6.Change PXE support Chip name to RTL8139(X)/8130/810X.
7.When searching the ROM BASE ADDRESS, make sure to avoid
the ROM_BASE and ROM_LIMIT of PCI-PCI bridge. Fix problem of
!PXE structure not found as TNT2 card is pluged in the PCI-PCI
bridge(COMPAQ case).