
大家都知道,ADSL分两种,一种是开机上网,一种是虚拟拨号。在网吧里,我们组建的局域网服务器与客户机均采用winme 做操作系统,都是有盘站,HUB连接,使用了虚拟拨号来上网,并用WINME自带的internet连接共享来实现全部机子上网的,自动获取IP地址,如果指定,则不能上网。(wingate和sygate全试过,非常不稳定,用一段时间就频繁掉线,甚至于根本拨不上,用软件专门代理下面的客户机故障依旧)。
http://www.pconline.com.cn http://www.kele8.com …等等很多很多,严重影响了网吧的日常营业,询问电信局,回答说服务器都能打开,说明ADSL无故障,不管!
现在我非常苦恼,望哪位高手指点!如能解决此问题,不论高手身居何处,本人愿意前去拜访!(另:哪 位网友能提供一些讨论局域网问题的论坛,不胜感激)



INTERNET选项\高级\通过代理连接使用 HTTP 1.1


是增加路由器,还是路由器软件?如何增加?需要什么设置? 需要重新设置服务器吗?请高手详细说明一下。万分感谢。




The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is a value that defines the maximum size of each packet leaving your computer. You may need to lower this value on each computer behind WinRoute. To see if this is necessary you can perform a ping test from a client computer as follows.

From a dos window type: ping -f -l 1472 yahoo.com

If you receive the message: Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Then you need to lower the MTU. Try the same test again using 1400 in place of 1472. If you get a message like: Reply from bytes=1400 time= 180ms TTL= 246.Then 1400 is a sufficient size. Otherwise you’ll need to continue lowering the value until you get a reply. It is possible that you may not get a reply, this is ok. You only need to lower the MTU if you get the specific response “Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.”

Note: If the client is set to obtain its IP information through DHCP, the registry structure may not appear as follows. To make sure you apply the necessary MTU value to the proper location you need to exit the registry editor and proceed to the TCP/IP settings of the adapter for which you are setting the MTU. Disable DHCP and manually input an IP address and subnet mask. Use a random value such as that is easy to remember. Reboot the computer and refer back to the registry editor and follow the steps outlined below. Once you have set the MTU and rebooted you can go back to the TCP/IP properties and reset the adapter to obtain its IP information through DHCP.

Windows 95/98/ME


Beneath NetTrans should be several keys labeled 000x. Select the first key and refer to the window to the right. Look for an IP address setting that will display the IP you inputted in the TCP/IP settings, in our example. If you cannot find the IP then select the next key down and so on until you have located the IP address. When you have located the correct key look for a value called MaxMTU. If it does not exist, add a string value and label it MaxMTU taking into account case sensitivity. Modify its contents to reflect the necessary bit size determined by the ping test. Under most circumstances 1400 is sufficient. You must reboot the machine for the changes to take affect.

Windows NT


When you have located the correct key look for a value called MTU. If it does not exist, add a dword value and label it MTU taking into account case sensitivity. Modify its contents to reflect the necessary bit size determined by the ping test. Under most circumstances 1400 is sufficient. You must reboot the machine for the changes to take affect.

Windows 2000


Beneath Interfaces should be several keys signifying each interface. Select the first key and refer to the window to the right. Look for an IP address setting that will display the IP you inputted in the TCP/IP settings, in our example. If you cannot find the IP then select the next key down and so on until you have located the IP address. When you have located the correct key look for a value called MTU. If it does not exist, add a dword value and label it MTU taking into account case sensitivity. Modify its contents to reflect the necessary bit size determined by the ping test. Under most circumstances a decimal value of 1400 is sufficient. You must reboot the machine for the changes to take affect.

WIN XP的设置跟WIN2000的一样。
跟电信无关,仔细看,上面说的很明白了。另外,MAX MTU的值你可以用1460,我在很多网上用过,都行。


最好使用win2k只要直接共享,记得不要使用dhcp那回和共享冲突,如果非要使用dhcp就只有使用windows2k的路由功能!winme 是最烂的操作系统


