rem Put QNetName.exe in your path and uncomment ‘rem QNetName.exe’
rem and ‘rem call QNBName.bat’ if you want to use DHCP system on multiple clients.
rem Please read the associated documentation to know how to use QNetName
call %TEMP%\QNBName.bat
rem Please read the associated documentation to know how to use QUserMan
QUserMan %HOME%
rem Put QSetBD.exe in your path and uncomment ‘rem QSetBD.exe’
rem if you want to make the system think it booted from disk %DRIVE%.
rem Please read the associated documentation to know how to use QSetBD
rem the next line will perform auto logon feature if TweakUI is installed
rem in windows system folder and if QAUTOLOG created A:\WINBOOT\QAUTOLOG.REG file
if exist %WINDIR%\SYSTEM\TweakUI.CPL if exist a:\winboot\qautolog.reg regedit a:\winboot\qautolog.reg
rem Put QRestAll.exe in your path and uncomment the next line
rem if you want to use floppy drive and IDE devices with intel dosundi
net use s: \%server%%username%
qvmem s %server% %username%
if exist %HOME%\PATCHED.REG goto notchange
choice /C:YN /T:Y,03 Hit N and Ctrl-C not to launch Windows (stop the batch)
if errorlevel 2 pause
读软驱啊 ???????????(生成bootlog.txt时)